Tuesday, 16 July 2013

(almost) a month on...

First off, some thanks are in order:
MelSharmaigne and Gill... thank you so much for your inspiring comments on my last post. Shame on me for only just seeing them (that's a big hint I need to update this blog more often!) but they were so insightful, inspiring and motivating! Thank you so much, I am truly grateful so have such wonderful arty people in my life and I will always look up to you all as some of my biggest inspirations. Thank you, thank you and thank you again.

Now, I've stupidly left it almost a whole month without posting anything and for that I am kicking myself. I guess I've kind of let the lost feeling overwhelm me and take my motivation away, even after telling myself I won't. Anyway, big changes to my attitude and no more feeling lost! I've had my little mourning period, now it's time to move on and get working on some stuff.

Results! Results are in and I've passed my degree. Much dancing and screaming down the phone to uni-friends occurred and seeing my mum so proud was really heart warming.
It's been a very tough three years for me throughout this degree, without going into detail, but to have gotten where I am without dropping out (as I planned to on many occasion) makes me feel so on top of the world.
There were a few times where my passing was seriously questioned but I somehow managed to turn it around and prove those who needed proving very wrong.
There are a few people who I owe so much to during this course, and I will never be able to make it up to them, but they know who they are and I really wouldn't have done this without them. Thank you, guys <3

This is my happy face.

Arty-type stuff now... Paid a visit to the Swindon Artist's Forum the other day with a friend with the mindset of hopefully in the near future exhibiting some stuff. Pleasantly surprised to be recognised by one of the artists minding the shop by my work! The woman and her daughter were at my Final Show and the daughter apparently loved my work, took my business card, so on and so fourth and the woman I was speaking to seemed excited to have met me! I was in complete shock, stupidly asked the woman if she was sure it was me she was on about, and delightfully it was. She said she was going to tell her daughter she'd met me and seemed really eager to get me to join and put up some work when space is free. Which I am really keen to do (confidence doesn't have a choice in this matter!) and I came out of there on one of the biggest highs in a while! If either of you are reading this (mother or daughter) hello and thank you! :) It really made my day to be recognised and gave my confidence and motivation a good little boost.

Also met up with Gill (Enoki) today for a coffee and some sunny drawing adventures. It was really nice to sit and chat with her (I think that's the first time we've actually done that!) and talk all sorts of arty stuff without the pressure of uni behind it all. So great to hear her plans and all the interest she's been attracting and today was a generally inspiring day! I know I told her this earlier and I don't think she believed me but I've always looked up to her as an artist and envied her work and I felt honoured to be able to sit and talk with her about future plans, each others work and inspirations.

Well, I think that's enough for one blog post.
I know there has been a distinct lack of work posted, I don't have a scanner of any sort, so please forgive me for future posts... they will be mobile phone pictures. I do apologise, a scanner is in the 'to purchase' list.
So onwards and upwards! No more sitting around, there are people to draw. Watch out Swindon, I'm gonna be creepin' (again).

1 comment:

  1. Well done Sam!
    Really exciting news about being recognised in the arts forum, you must be such a happy lady :)
    I will keep my eyes out for any artsy things happening and will let you know if anything pops up for you xox
