Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Once again, it's been a while.

Blimey, it's been a while.
More than a while, I've neglected this place for far too long.
Well, there is a reason I've come crawling back, head hung in shame and begging for forgiveness; this morning I woke up to some wonderful news!
A message from a lovely swindon-based female artist stirred the artist inside of me and has awoken the beast, so to speak.
I've been asked to take part in an all-female art exhibition in the town just over a month from now.
My first thought was "what, really? I can't do that. That's ridiculous!" And I went to politely decline, I mean, I haven't done anything arty for over a year or so now, my excuse being 'life just got in the way'. Something inside me stopped myself, and made me think a little more rationally. I mean, I've just woken up so this rational thinking took me by surprise, to say the least.
Why can't I do the exhibition? So what, I haven't picked up a pen in a while. There's plenty of time to work on that. It's not every day you get asked such a question, I'd  regret it if I let my insecurities over my work get in the way, right? It'll be fun. I'll be surrounded by other artists, something I've been craving for such a long time, I can meet new people and talk about what I love doing. Why the fuck not!
I guess this form of thinking has shown how much I've progressed with myself and my confidence over the year or so. Before hand I would have said 'hell NOPE!' And ran for the hills. Bury myself in a duvet and hidden away in the cloud of regret but today, I'm kicking the old Sam aside and new Sam has spring forth, hands on hips, a pen clutched in one and a fresh new sketchbook tucked under the arm of the other. I can do this and there is no rational reason why I can't.
So, you'll be hearing a lot more from me again.
I apologise it's been so long, I will kick myself into a grave over that.
But for now, new beginnings, new mind sets and new art.
There's plenty of people to creep on, plenty of coffee to be drunk.
Watch out, swindon, no-one is safe from my pen.


  1. Great to see you here again - I've been reguarly checking here but all I find here is tumbleweed and cobwebs!

    Well done on taking up the exhibition - you're going to ace it. :-)

  2. Martyn - thank you! I guess this was the kick up the bum I needed really!

    1. Also you have to come along! Details when I know more, of course :)

  3. I'll be there, for sure. :-)
